Popvox Predictive Dialer

Popvox triples the productivity of volunteer phone banks

Popvox is a Web-based service for quickly and easily creating outbound telephone campaigns. Popvox is enabling for distributed volunteer phone banks — while equally well suited for call centers that use dedicated facilities and paid agents. Customers can get started quickly with campaigns to contact large numbers of constituents.

A predictive dialer is a sophisticated productivity tool for outbound calling campaigns. The system dials numbers automatically, and filters out busy signals and no-answer numbers, allowing a typical agent to contact 3-4 times more households per hour than is possible dialing manually. Agents listen to music on hold while waiting, allowing answered calls to be connected immediately.

With Popvox, volunteers reach more constituents, with more focus

  • Volunteers log more time, and report better enjoyment
  • Call recording allows for quality control, and better training
  • Make calls from anywhere that has a phone and computer
  • Track the progress of teams and calling campaigns in real-time
  • Instant online survey results — no more manual data entry
  • Simple way to buy more productivity at pennies per contact.
  • Popvox offers a relaxed experience of easy productivity

Using a Predictive Dialer, agents make more contacts per hour

How Popvox works

We host and manage all telephone equipment at our secure data center facility.

Why switch to Predictive Dialers?

Typical past calling results

Contacts per hour (using Popvox) 60 contacts per hour
Contacts per hour (using existing system) 16 contacts per hour
Improvement in productivity 3.8 times
Contacts per vote (using Popvox) 25.0 contacts per vote
Contacts per vote (using existing system) 28.0 contacts per vote
Votes generated per hour using Popvox 2.40 votes per hour
Votes generated per hour using manual dialing 0.57 votes per hour
Average call duration 1.10 minutes
Number of simultaneous callers supported 200 callers
Average # of hours each Popvox seat is used 150 hours
Added time logged by volunteers using Popvox 12% more hours
Total volunteer-hours (using Popvox) 30,000 volunteer-hours
Total volunteer-hours (using manual system) 26,400 volunteer-hours
Voters contacted (using Popvox) 1,800,000 contacts
Voters contacted (using manual system) 422,400 contacts
Additional voters contacted 1,377,600 additional
Total votes won (using Popvox) 72,000 votes
Total votes won (using manual dialing) 15,100 votes
Additional votes pulled 56,900 more votes

Assumptions used are marked in grey



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