When dialing manually, volunteers typically complete 16 contacts per hour — with 8 live people and 8 voicemail messages, depending on time of day. Using Popvox, our clients have found that can make 60 contacts per hour with a comparable script.
Calls received by constitients are indistinguishable from a call from their neighbour, other than the custom script-specific Caller ID readout.

When dialing manually, about 75% of each agent's time is spent dialing, waiting while the phone rings, and redialing after reaching a busy signal or no-answer. Using Popvox, agents spend most of their time talking — experiencing only a brief delay after clicking "Ready for Call" before being connected.
Answered calls are immediately connected to an agent with no "silent delay", and voicemail recordings are deposited at the click of a button, while the agent can go on to the next call.
When Popvox replaces "mostly waiting" with "mostly talking", we allow far more contacts — delivered with more attention by happier agents. We put the agent in charge to initiate new calls at their own pace.
